Tuesday, 31 March 2009

A training ride with a difference: Humevale post-Black Saturday

On Saturday, Adam and I embarked on our now traditional weekend ride together.

But this week, instead of aiming for Mordialloc and the bay views along Beach Rd, we headed north toward Whittlesea and on to Humevale. This was a training ride with a difference as we headed up a climb through the burnt out hills just past Humevale.

It was black & quiet with ash and soot all over the road. The road itself had melted in some parts from the incredible heat that would've been like a furnace on that Black Saturday a month ago.

It was emotionally intense as we began to imagine the terror that would've been felt by the people living in this area - which mind you, is still 50 kilometres from Yea and much of the rest of the firefront. We rode past scrap pieces of tin and ash - the only remnants of what we could only guess were houses.

We had to turn around before the top as Parks Victoria workers were cutting down many of the trees which will continue to pose a threat of falling over.

This area has been "washed away by fire" Adam said as we rolled back down, "That's the only way I can describe it. It's usually quiet here anyway - just the bike and your breathing. But now it's all amplified."

You can watch it on the news and read it in the papers, but to see it with our own eyes takes it to another level. You may recall that we dug deep to support a friend and BYR racer, Shelly Flood, whose place in Bendigo was completely destroyed. Our thoughts go out to all who are piecing things back together from Humevale to Bendigo.

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